Will Emergency Dentist Extract Tooth?
In a case of emergency, yes a Dentist can extract a tooth. In fact, it happens fairly frequently. The process is not too dissimilar to any other tooth extraction. However, due to the condition that brought the patient to an emergency dentist, some further medication or anesthesia may be required.
What is an Emergency Tooth Extraction?
Sometimes a patient has suffered some trauma, like a fall or collision, which has severely altered the placement of a tooth. This could cause the root to rip from the gums, or the tooth to puncture the cheek, or any other nasty altercation. The patient could have just neglected a problem for long enough that the tooth root became infected and weak, and is now causing the patient immense pain. No matter the root cause–dentist’s favorite pun–the tooth may need to be removed in a shortened time frame, and this is called an emergency tooth extraction. Patients may awake in the middle of the night, in such pain that they cannot see straight. In this case they will either call the nearest ER which performs Emergency Dental Services, or they will call their dentist. Your dentist typically has an additional direct number for these kind of situations, assuming that they perform emergency dental services. No matter where and when it takes, a professional will take the time to clean the affected area, diagnose the underlying trauma, and extract the tooth from the root.
Can you prevent Emergency Tooth Extraction?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Emergencies can happen to any of us, and there is not much we can do about them. Just about the only thing you can do when an emergency happens is have a plan in place. You should ask your dentist what to do in case of an emergency, and decide where the nearest emergency dental service location is to your home. Pack an emergency bag with some extra clothes, pain medication, and a phone charger.
The best preparation is to be in complete control of you dental health. If you have not had a comprehensive examination and x ray within 6 months, make sure you go and see somebody. Have your hygienist perform a thorough cleaning, and look for any signs of root damage or infection along the gumline. Brush after meals and floss daily. If you know where problems are developing, you and your dentist can take restorative action before the problem becomes an emergency.
What to do after an Emergency Tooth Extraction?
Listen to your doctors. They will tell you everything you need to know about your medication, what happened, and what to expect. There will surely be some discomfort over the next week or two. You will most likely treat this with over the counter medication. You will need to make and attend routine follow up appointments, and make sure you take this time to ask questions about your recovery.
If your tooth has been extracted, the best thing you can do is replace it before any further tooth loss develops. For information on replacing missing teeth, looks to dental implants or implant supported bridges.