What are Dental Implants?
Dental Implants are synthetic replacement teeth. They are unique because they function and look exactly like original teeth. You care for them with proper dental hygiene, just like original teeth–no glass of water on the nightstand here. Implants are also made of industry leading technology like Zirconia, which makes them durable and biocompatible.
Your teeth are connected your jaw through roots of tissue and bone. During tooth extraction or tooth loss, these roots become compromised, and the tissue dissolves and breaks down. When you get dental implants, these roots are synthetically occupied by sturdy metal dental posts. In order to receive dental implants, you need a strong jaw.
The Process behind Dental Implants
Your dentist should request a full health history, specifically any autoimmune diseases or history of infection. They should also perform a complete scan or x-ray to get a comprehensive idea of the health of your mouth. If more teeth need to be extracted, or the jawbone is too weak, patients can consider bone grafting to increase the size, strength, and shape of the jaw support structure. Once the dentist is satisfied with the gums and jaw situation, they can perform the initial surgery.
The First Procedure
This is typically a short outpatient procedure wherein a titanium anchor is placed into the jaw. The gum is split and moved over an area of jaw. The anchor may be drilled in or otherwise surgically placed. The patient can then leave and begin the healing process. On average the pain caused is manageable with over the counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen. The patient must then wait anywhere from weeks to months while the body accepts the anchor. A process known as osseointegration occurs, wherein the bone, tissues, and gums grow around the anchor and it becomes stable.
The Follow up
After the surgery, your dental surgeon or dental care team will consult with you during a checkup. They will encourage you to follow a fastidious dental hygiene routine, to protect yourself from any infections. Gum infections can delay the total process, and will halt your body’s recovery.
The Second Procedure
Then your dentist or dental surgeon will attach an abutment. An abutment is a middle piece which protects the implant, and your mouth. After the abutment is set, the dental implant crown can be attached and your mouth is forever changed by a wonderful new tooth. Be sure to communicate regularly with your dentist, especially if you have any sizing or stability issues. It is very uncommon for an implant to fail, or fall out. However long term gum diseases can affect the stability of the dental post over time.
Learn More
Reach out to your dental professional to consult on further options. Dental Implants may be the solution you have been looking for throughout your tooth replacement search. Your dentist can advise you on what options are right for your situation, your hygienist can advise you on proper hygiene post implant, and your insurance provider can tell you what to expect from your coverage.