Fix Tooth Sensitivity
An ice cream on a hot day or a soup to warm up a cold night can be a great option for many people, but not for everyone. For those who have dental sensitivity, foods at high or low temperature represent pain in the right way. Dental sensitivity hits a lot of people. And then, eating something hotter, colder or sweeter becomes a torment: it really hurts. The good news is that there is a solution.
But why does this happen?
Gum and bone tissue protect the surface of our teeth. When extra efforts occur, such as unbalanced dental occlusion due to out of position teeth or excessive forces from brushing the teeth, the gum can resorb and expose the enamel and tooth root. Erosion of tooth enamel can be caused by factors such as:
* Very strong brushing or lack of brushing;
* Bruxism;
* High consumption of acidic foods and drinks;
* Smoking;
* Fluoride deficiency;
* Teeth whitening without dental supervision;
* Tartar buildup.
In most cases, tooth sensitivity comes from the sum of two or more factors, but there are ways around the problem.
How to relieve tooth sensitivity?
The first recommendation is to visit a dental office. Only the dental surgeon will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis of the situation and recommend the right treatment to solve this uncomfortable situation. Generally, in the office one of the first steps taken is cleaning the teeth to remove all the tartar to see what the real situation of gum retraction and tooth root exposure is.
A second step is the application of fluoride (in the form of varnish, foam or gel) or laser therapy, which recomposes the tooth enamel and protects the exposed dental layers, which are the main cause of tooth sensitivity.
Many professionals do an analysis of the person’s brushing to correct movement and pressure on the teeth. There is also the prescription by the dentist, in milder cases, of a specific toothpaste for sensitive teeth and the recommendation to buy a soft toothbrush.
The exact time for successful treatment varies from case to case, but following the steps correctly, the situation improves day by day.
It is possible to improve some daily habits to alleviate the problem. Here are some tips:
* Perform your dental cleaning periodically, according to the guidance of the dentist;
* Brush your teeth regularly, at least three times a day;
* Use a soft toothbrush and gently brush with a good toothpaste – if in doubt about which one to choose, ask your dentist for an indication;
* After brushing, remove food waste and bacterial plate between teeth using dental floss;
* Decrease the intake of foods that increase the acidity of the mouth, such as sweets, soft drinks, simple carbohydrates and excess citrus foods;
* Increase your salivation to help neutralize the PH in your mouth. A simple technique is to chew sugarless gum for a few minutes or, for people who have little salivation, to use artificial saliva as prescribed by the dentist.
By following all these steps, it is possible to reduce the chances of tooth sensitivity problems, but it is always good to reinforce that a dentist should be consulted as soon as the first symptoms of oral problems appear. We cannot confuse this sensitivity with toothache caused by micro-organisms, which is often irreversible. Preserve your oral health by maintaining good hygiene habits. In case of doubt, look for your dentist and follow their guidelines.