Fix Impacted Teeth

Fix Impacted Teeth
We reach adulthood with 32 teeth, the last ones to be born are the wisdom teeth, which appear between the ages of 17 and 20 or even later. However, this does not happen to everyone, as is the case with those who have impacted teeth.
Some teeth, especially wisdom teeth, do not erupt due to a number of factors. The fact is that many patients do not give importance to this, but it is essential to carry out the treatment to avoid other oral complications.
Why don’t some teeth come through?
Some teeth that can’t be born – that is, they stay below the gum – are called included or impacted teeth. But why this happen? There are some factors that are responsible for this condition, such as:
* genetic/hereditary causes;
* lack of space in the arcade;
* strength of bone tissue;
* very large teeth;
* premature loss of milk teeth, which have the function of leaving space for the birth of permanent ones;
* very long permanence of milk teeth in the arch;
* mechanical barriers — such as cysts or tumors;
* arches with extra teeth called supernumerical.
Which teeth are most affected?
The problem mainly affects the third molars (wisdom teeth). However, other teeth can also be affected, such as canines (upper and lower) and upper lateral incisors. There are also cases of semi-impacted teeth, which erupt only partially.
How to identify impacted teeth?
Many people do not even notice the problem, as it is an asymptomatic condition. Thus, they only realize that the wisdom teeth did not come in but end up not looking for the dentist. In other cases, impacted teeth can cause pain, inflammation and swelling, which leads the patient to seek help. There are also situations in which the discovery happens accidentally due to an X-ray in the jaws.
In any case, the diagnosis for impacted teeth should always be made by radiography. In this way, the dentist will know the exact position of the unborn element and will be able to indicate the best treatment for each case.
Why is it necessary to deal with this problem?
Teeth that fail to erupt can have serious consequences for oral health, such as:
* severe infections, which when untreated can spread through the bloodstream, reaching other parts of the body;
* cavities;
* periodontal diseases ;
* formation of cysts or tumors in the gums or bones near the impacted tooth;
* crowding of other teeth (crowded teeth);
* destruction of the roots of adjacent teeth.
The treatment of impacted teeth is specific to each case. When the impacted teeth are wisdom teeth, the recommendation is usually their extraction, done in the dentist’s office with local anesthesia.
When early detection of an impacted canine tooth occurs, orthodontic treatment is indicated. In that case, the dentist performs the traction technique to move the tooth to the correct position with the help of the orthodontic device.
To avoid problems with impacted teeth, it is important to have a dental check-up and keep your oral health up to date. Another important measure in childhood to prevent impacted teeth is to take care of baby teeth, preventing illness or falling out ahead of time.
Always be aware of any abnormality regarding the birth of teeth. Some people have impacted teeth and should seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid more severe oral complications and thus maintain a healthy smile.