Can You Fix Receding Gums?
Once receding gums begin, there is no way to reverse the gum loss. All hope is not lost though, as many treatments are available to slow or halt the process of gum recession. Seeing a dentist and identifying the root cause of receding gums is the most straightforward way to address the problem. With time, attention, and a little focus, you can begin to put receding gums behind you.
What are receding gums?
Receding gums are a response to some stimulation, positive or negative, to the tissue that support blood flow in your mouth and keep your teeth secure and protected in your jaw. Whether it is through damage, erosion, disease, or infection–something is causing the tissue to shrink and pull away from the surface of the tooth. As gum recession becomes more severe, the tooth root becomes exposed and can cause a lot of discomfort. Receding gums are usually placed into the overarching category of periodontal disease; disease which deals with the gums, jaw, and teeth. Treating it may involve intervention from a periodontal specialist, either your dentist or a referred doctor.
What are the main causes of receding gums?
Receding gums can come from any number of stimulations, here are the most common.
1. Over brushing- Believe it or not, over brushing can be almost as harmful as not brushing enough. In an attempt to overcorrect forgotten hygiene habits, many patients attempt to simple brush harder, or more frequently one day than the next, and this can irritate the gum tissues, damage the tooth surface, and create more opportunity for bacteria. Any sort of microabrasion in the mouth, whether it is in tissue or on the enamel surface, creates a pocket for food and bacteria to accumulate, eventually leading to infection and gum recession.
2. Poor Hygiene- Just as important, simply not brushing is not an option either. Anytime you eat or drink, you should be aware that your mouth is retaining particles of what you consume. Oftentimes, those particles attach to the gums or teeth. The accumulation is not so much a problem, as the infection that follows without prompt hygienic intervention. Follow a hygiene routine; a pattern of activity. Brush, floss, and attend your cleanings regularly, you cannot cram the whole week into one day’s cleaning.
3. Smoking- It’s not good. It causes almost every kind of periodontal disease, gum disease, cancer, and gum recession. Seek smoking cessation programs.
What can you do to fix Receding gums?
See your dentist. Your dentist will clean your teeth and gums, and assess the level of gum recession. They will recommend the proper hygiene changes, like a soft bristle toothbrush, to help combat the receding gums. They may also recommend a periodontal specialist for you to see. There are treatment options like
* Medicated Mouthwashes
* Oral Topical gels
* Antiseptics
* Specialized Treatments
There is no way to “fix” receding gums, but you can treat them. The only person who knows exactly how to treat your condition, with all of its’ underlying causes, is your dentist. Begin by seeing them and discussing next steps.